
Next morning it was very hot

 and the princess declared that she must go and play in the forest, where it was always cool, under the big shady trees. As usual, her attendants let her do anything she pleased, and sitting down on a mossy bank where a little stream tinkled by, soon fell sound asleep. The princess saw with delight that they would pay no heed to her, and wandered on and on, expecting every moment to see some fairies dancing round a ring, or some little brown elves peeping at her from behind a tree. But, alas! she met none of these; instead, a horrible giant came out of his cave and ordered her to follow him. The princess felt much afraid, as he was so big and ugly, and began to be sorry that she had not stayed within reach of help; but as there was no use in disobeying the giant, she walked meekly behind.

They went a long way, and Ingibjorg grew very tired, and at length began to cry.

‘I don’t like girls who make horrid noises,’ said the giant, turning round. ‘But if you WANT to cry, I will give you something to cry for.’ And drawing an axe from his belt, he cut off both her feet, which he picked up and put in his pocket. Then he went away.

Poor Ingibjorg lay on the grass in terrible pain, and wondering if she should stay there till she died, as no one would know where to look for her. How long it was since she had set out in the morning she could not tell — it seemed years to her, of course; but the sun was still high in the heavens when she heard the sound of wheels, and then, with a great effort, for her throat was parched with fright and pain, she gave a shout.

‘I am coming!’ was the answer; and in another moment a cart made its way through the trees, driven by Kisa, who used her tail as a whip to urge the horse to go faster. Directly Kisa saw Ingibjorg lying there, she jumped quickly down, and lifting the girl carefully in her two front paws, laid her upon some soft hay, and drove back to her own little hut.

In the corner of the room was a pile of cushions, and these Kisa arranged as a bed. Ingibjorg, who by this time was nearly fainting from all she had gone through, drank greedily some milk, and then sank back on the cushions while Kisa fetched some dried herbs from a cupboard, soaked them in warm water and tied them on the bleeding legs. The pain vanished at once, and Ingibjorg looked up and smiled at Kisa.

‘You will go to sleep now,’ said the cat, ‘and you will not mind if I leave you for a little while. I will lock the door, and no one can hurt you.’ But before she had finished the princess was asleep. Then Kisa got into the cart, which was standing at the door, and catching up the reins, drove straight to the giant’s cave.

Leaving her cart behind some trees, Kisa crept gently up to the open door, and, crouching down, listened to what the giant was telling his wife, who was at supper with him.

‘The first day that I can spare I shall just go back and kill her,’ he said; ‘it would never do for people in the forest to know that a mere girl can defy me!’ And he and his wife were so busy calling Ingibjorg all sorts of names for her bad behaviour, that they never noticed Kisa stealing into a dark corner, and upsetting a whole bag of salt into the great pot before the fire.

‘Dear me, how thirsty I am!’ cried the giant by-and-by.

‘So am I,’ answered the wife. ‘I do wish I had not taken that last spoonful of broth; I am sure something was wrong with it.’

‘If I don’t get some water I shall die,’ went on the giant. And rushing out of the cave, followed by his wife, he ran down the path which led to the river.

Then Kisa entered the hut, and lost no time in searching every hole till she came upon some grass, under which Ingibjorg’s feet were hidden, and putting them in her cart, drove back again to her own hut.

Ingibjorg was thankful to see her, for she had lain, too frightened to sleep, trembling at every noise.

‘Oh, is it you?’ she cried joyfully, as Kisa turned the key. And the cat came in, holding up the two neat little feet in their silver slippers.

‘In two minutes they shall be as tight as they ever were!’ said Kisa. And taking some strings of the magic grass which the giant had carelessly heaped on them, she bound the feet on to the legs above.

‘Of course you won’t be able to walk for some time; you must not expect THAT,’ she continued. ‘But if you are very good, perhaps, in about a week, I may carry you home again.’

And so she did; and when the cat drove the cart up to the palace gate, lashing the horse furiously with her tail, and the king and queen saw their lost daughter sitting beside her, they declared that no reward could be too great for the person who had brought her out of the giant’s hands.

1 条评论:

  1. 無論是古代主要靠紙張傳播的資訊媒介,去到20世紀無線電、固網電話和電視的興起,再到21世紀 網絡世界主導「Web 2.0」資訊自由流通的年代,形式怎樣變,資訊傳遞都是人類社會建構重要的一環,到了現代更被視為學科叫「傳媒學」,香港有不少開設傳理系課程的大專院校,但是愈來愈多人擔心,究竟讀完是不是只可以做記者?許多人認為記者的薪金低、工時長,令不少有意報讀傳理系的學生卻步,今日FlowClass就和大家一起探究傳理系出路!搵補習

    1. 本地傳理課程
    JS 2310 – 浸大 傳理學(中文新聞、國際新聞、財經新聞)補習社
    JS 2320 – 浸大 傳理學(電影、動畫及媒體藝術專修)補習免中介
    JS 4850 – 中大 新聞與傳播學 搵補習
    JS 4858 – 中大 全球傳播 補習平台
    JS 1106 – 城大 媒體與傳播系 文學士(數碼電視與廣播、媒體與傳播)
    JS 6054 – 港大 文學士(新聞及傳媒)補習老師


    2. 傳理出路

    2.1 採訪記者

    2.2 編輯/文字記者
    然後,雖然現代科技愈黎愈重視快,對於 文字資訊傳播的需求可能會降低,但最傳統的文字依然是資訊傳遞中最為重要的媒介,傳理系的學生對此一定不會陌生。因為文字的客觀性和準確性可以將最準確的消息傳給大眾,因此一直都是大眾媒體的支柱,可能形式上有所不同,例如紙媒雜誌的衰落,但隨之以來的網媒、電子雜誌、網上新聞都需要文字去傳播資訊。

    2.3 廣告設計/Copywriter

    2.4 電視記者

    2.5 電台主播

    2.6 影視娛樂行業

    2.7 公關

