
He thought of nothing.

Some thoughts or fragments of thoughts, some images without order or coherence floated before his mind--faces of people he had seen in his childhood or met somewhere once storage rack, whom he would never have recalled, the belfry of the church at V., the billiard table in a restaurant and some officers playing billiards, the smell of cigars in some underground tobacco shop, a tavern room, a back staircase quite dark, all sloppy with dirty water and strewn with egg-shells, and the Sunday bells floating in from somewhere. . . . The images followed one another, whirling like a hurricane. Some of them he liked and tried to clutch at, but they faded and all the while there was an oppression within him, but it was not overwhelming, sometimes it was even pleasant. . . . The slight shivering still persisted, but that too was an almost pleasant sensation.

He heard the hurried footsteps of Razumihin; he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. Razumihin opened the door and stood for some time in the doorway as though hesitating, then he stepped softly into the room and went cautiously to the sofa. Raskolnikov heard Nastasya's whisper:

"Don't disturb him! Let him sleep. He can have his dinner later."

"Quite so reenex facial," answered Razumihin. Both withdrew carefully and closed the door. Another half-hour passed. Raskolnikov opened his eyes, turned on his back again, clasping his hands behind his head.

"Who is he? Who is that man who sprang out of the earth? Where was he, what did he see? He has seen it all, that's clear. Where was he then? And from where did he see? Why has he only now sprung out of the earth? And how could he see? Is it possible? Hm . . ." continued Raskolnikov, turning cold and shivering, "and the jewel case Nikolay found behind the door--was that possible? A clue? You miss an infinitesimal line and you can build it into a pyramid of evidence! A fly flew by and saw it! Is it possible?" He felt with sudden loathing how weak, how physically weak he had become. "I ought to have known it," he thought with a bitter smile. "And how dared I, knowing myself, knowing how I should be, take up an axe and shed blood! I ought to have known beforehand. . . . Ah, but I did know!" he whispered in despair. At times he came to a standstill at some thought.

"No reenex facial, those men are not made so. The real /Master/ to whom all is permitted storms Toulon, makes a massacre in Paris, /forgets/ an army in Egypt, /wastes/ half a million men in the Moscow expedition and gets off with a jest at Vilna. And altars are set up to him after his death, and so /all/ is permitted. No, such people, it seems, are not of flesh but of bronze!"

One sudden irrelevant idea almost made him laugh. Napoleon, the pyramids, Waterloo, and a wretched skinny old woman, a pawnbroker with a red trunk under her bed--it's a nice hash for Porfiry Petrovitch to digest! How can they digest it! It's too inartistic. "A Napoleon creep under an old woman's bed! Ugh, how loathsome!"

1 条评论:

  1. 係香港,要數而家最多人考嘅大學試莫過於DSE同IB啦。但係你又知唔知其實IB係讀乜嘢呢?讀緊IB嘅你哋想搵補習係咪發現選擇不多呢?想知多啲IB同埋IB上門補習嘅就同我哋FlowCLass睇真啲啦。補習免中介

    IB 國際文憑大學預科課程(International Baccalaureate Diploma Program)
    IB係一個兩年制、對象為16至18歲學生嘅大學預科課程,廣泛被世界各所大學認可。要考IBDP,學生必須係IB學校學習。學生從六類科目,包括語言和文學研究、語言習得、個人與社會、實驗科學、數學與計算機科學、同埋藝術中選取6項科目,然後要完成相應嘅評估。仲需要完成三項核心科目,即係CAS(Creativity, activity, service)、TOK(Theory of Knowledge)同埋EE(Extended Essay)。搵補習


    補習社 補習免中介 搵補習 補習平台 補習老師


    1.學科組別(Subject groups) 補習
    subject group嘅補習同DSE嘅學科補習大同小異,補習導師都係會同學生拆解每科嘅題型,同埋提供相對嘅paper比學生操練。大型補習社嘅所謂名師係IB補習方面嘅選擇較少,普遍連鎖補習社都係得一兩名IB補習老師,不禁令人覺得佢哋冇心經營IB補習呀。而小型IB小組補習社價錢偏貴,熱門嘅補習社又成日full,上門補習可以話係一個比較cost effective嘅方案。上門嘅IB補習價錢一般落喺$170-$400一堂,比起動不動就$700幾至過千嘅小型IB小組補習社來得划算。

    你可能覺得讀得IB都唔差在果一萬幾千啦。但係,私人補習嘅另外一個好處就係導師自己本身有嘅source啦。一間有名氣嘅補習社無論係DSE定係IB,有時真係一位難求,有錢都讀唔到。例如Hkexcel Education Centre 港傑教育,佢哋係上年就出咗11個45分嘅IB狀元,係唔少家長同埋IB Students選擇補IB嘅first choice。因此,今年嘅學位好有可能已經好full。而好多IB嘅私人補習老師都係讀IB出身,以前讀書儲落嘅補習社就係佢哋最佳嘅資本啦。一個好彩,搵到一個以前學生時期去補習經驗豐富嘅導師嘅話,輕鬆攞到幾間名牌補習社嘅notes真係唔再係夢!

    2.拓展論文 (Extended Essay) Consultation
    除咗Subject groups補習,補IB仲可以做EE Consultation。冇錯,學校係會安排teacher做你篇essay嘅tutor,但係tutor有無heart幫你check你篇essay又係另一回事啦。如果你心入面覺得學校tutor廢廢地,不妨換個私人tutor同你check check 你份EE有咩問題需要improve。如果真係有需要私補,可以同我哋FlowCLass查詢一下,了解一下都無妨。

    IB成日比人話無DSE咁難,各位IB student真係有苦自己知呀。雖然話就話IB同DSE唔同,無咁填鴨式教育,但係無可否認subject group嘅科目少不免要操練㗎。如果係學業上真係遇到咩問題,有時補習都真係一個option。
